Eye Testing


The Great Dane Club is pleased to announce that at our Championship Show on Sunday 05th August we are offering ALL MEMBERS £20.00 off two Kennel Club eye examinations, both the regular annual eye test and the gonioscopy test for glaucoma (needed only once in a dogs lifetime).

This brings the costs right down to £28.00 for each test.

Sue Manning from Pride Veterinary Centre in Derby has been on the B.V.A./K.C. eye panel for two years, specialising for the last nine years exclusively as an ophthalmologist. She will hopefully be assisted by another eye specialist Paul McPherson from Minister Vets in Southwell.

From January this year Great Danes are on the B.V.A. check list ‘Conditions under Investigation’ for Primary Glaucoma, something that has obviously been picked up over recent years by vets and now highlighted as being of concern in our breed.

Both this test and the regular B.V.A./K.C. eye examination will be carried out in an appropriate room and neither test will affect your dog’s eye’s for the show ring.

 The tests are available to all Great Danes, show dog’s or loved companions (discount is for G.D.C. members only though), but all dog’s must be micro-chipped and K.C. registered.

To book one or both tests either fill out the form inside your show schedule or download it from here.

[button link=”http://thegreatdaneclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Eyetestspdf.pdf” size=”medium” variation=”copper” align=”center” target=”blank”]Eye Testing Info – Booking Form[/button]

Please support The Great Dane Club’s eye testing session and in doing so secure a healthy future for our beloved Danes.


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