Urgent Attention Required
Members Only
The Great Dane Club have recently received a letter from the Breed Council asking for comments on the questions below. As valued members of the Great Dane Club we would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer / comment on the questions listed. This is your opportunity to help our breed move forward with your Club and Breed Councils help.
Any comments or suggestions will be taken forward to the next Breed Council meeting being held on the 13th November 2014.
Please summit your reply by 11th November to Helen Laidlaw, a link to her email address is supplied below.
Thank you for your support in this matter.
a) Do you wish the Breed Council to continue?
b) Do you want the Great Dane Club to continue to be part of the Breed Council ?
c) In your opinion what problems are there with the Breed Council?
d) In your opinion how should these problems mentioned in ‘c’ be addressed.
[email_link email=”helenatkantalar@hotmail.com” variation=”yellow” target=”blank”]Please Respond Here[/email_link]