2021 Championship Show – Sunday 08th August 2021

Dogs: Ric Beall (Eppwood)
Bitches: Joanne Walton (Ravendane)

Referee: Rosemary Steiner

Entries now closed.

Corona Virus (Covid-19) Statement – Updated July 21

The Great Dane Club will ensure to the best of its ability that the event is run to Covid Safe guidelines. Below are a few reminders of the most important points: The show will follow published Government regulations and Kennel Club guidance.The guidelines are reviewed at regular intervals and are subject to change at short notice.

Everyone attending the show must familiarise themselves will all guidance which applies to them at the time of the show and must adhere to government guidance. If you or anyone in your household are symptomatic, have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 within the previous 14 days you must NOT attend the show and should self isolate in line with Government advise.

We reserve the right to ask anyone not adhering to Government guidelines to leave the show.

Face coverings are requested to be worn when in the ring or inside of the hotel buildings unless you are exempt.

QR codes will be available for NHS Track and Trace purposes, forms will also be available if required.

Whilst we understand it is no longer a requirement to stay 2 metres apart, please respect other exhibitors wishes and try to remain socially distanced especially whilst in the ring.

Please follow any instructions given to you by the Covid officer or any other committee officer when collecting your catalogues and ring numbers from the committee marquee.

It is your responsibility to clean up after your dog and dispose of the waste in the bins provided. A designated exercise area will not be provided but additional waste bins will be provided around the show ground.

All judging will be outside weather permitting. The marquee will be used in the event of adverse weather with the outside rings being used as a holding area in the event of large classes.

There is a separate entrance and exit to each ring, you must use the correct one and only enter the ring when called forward by the Stewards. 

Judges will ask exhibitors to show dogs teeth when being assessed.

Exhibitors are requested to bring their own hand sanitiser, masks and spares. Sanitising stations will be set up for hand sanitising at the Committee marquee , entrance to the rings and judges tables.

Any special requests that exhibitors require whilst in the ring should be made to an officer of the committee in amble time before their classes are called.

Please remember to keep your distance from any other exhibitor.
